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Thursday, February 17, 2011


You came at the most unexpected time...
When I am in what I could consider, darkest, and loneliest moment.
When you came, I learned not to dwell in my past any longer.
                I learned to smile...
                   to laugh...
                     to love myself...
I Love You...
For teaching me not to close my eyes, and be brave to face the world, and all Its challenges.

You gave me the courage, to go on, and believe... that whatever happens, I can win any battle. 
                    And I know, I can!
                     Because, you were there...
                       to walk with me, hand in hand, to guide me.
You were there...
                     to embrace everything about me, including all my flaws, and imperfections.

You were there...
                     when people ,misjudge me.

And I know....
                      That because, you are my SUPERHERO...

You will always be there...

                             Until the sunset of my life.

-Mei Saradpon

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